Windows 10 and the fate of the Modern UI
A few weeks back I wrote about my initial impressions of Windows 10 Technical Preview. One of the areas of note was the absence of the Modern UI work space. While the Modern Apps still exist, the UI itself has effectively gone away for desktop machines. At the time I then asked the question - why have the modern apps at all ? I like the live tile concept for things like news feeds, weather, etc., but be be honest the overall UI experience on a desktop of Modern apps is somewhat mixed. In my opinion MS has a challenge on their hands. When Windows 8 and the Modern UI was introduced, there was a lot of negative feedback and confusion on usability between Modern and Traditional desktop apps. Especially when you couldn't close a Modern app in the traditional "X" method and had to press the Windows Key which sent you back to the Modern Start screen but then had a different experience when you closed a traditional app... Folks...