Home Automation - Z-Wave, Zigbee, Insteon or WiFi ?
When it comes to automating your home there are a lot of choices out there. From the early days of things like X10 and Powerline (PCS) to today's mix of Zigbee, Z-Wave, Insteon and WiFi. So how do you make the right choice ? Over the years I've purchased and installed dozens of different home automation devices from lighting to thermostats to cameras, doorbells & locks, irrigation, fireplaces, etc. You name it I've probably installed it. So here's my take on the current state and how I'm making my purchasing decisions. First - you need to make some decisions on what you really want to automate. Is it lighting, security, HVAC, Water mgmt, whatever. The good news is there is a broad choice. The bad news is there is a lot of crap out there. The one common ground you'll find is that for the non-WiFi systems to work you either need a "gateway" or "bridge" device that then connects to your home network - sometimes wired - somet...