Journey to Solar - Part 2 - Understanding Panels, Inverters & Gateways
In part 1 of the Journey to Solar - I discussed getting a good understanding of what your energy needs really are and where you should make investments in efficiency to change your consumption model and potentially reduce the size of your solar solution. For Part 2 let's assume you've done your homework and made your investments to improve your efficiency and your ready to start designing your system. Where do you start ? How do I size my system ? Do I want Storage ? So let's start with an example set of criteria. You added up your total annual kWh usage is it's around 20,000 kWh. You've also determined that your maximum kWh consumption during any one hour in the year is 10kWh and that your daily maximum total consumption is about 100kWh and your maximum monthly usage is about 3000kWh - with a range of 1500 -> 3000 during any one month. Finally let's say for that 100kWh day - 60kWh is during daylight hrs and 40kWh is evenings/over...