Window 10 Tech Preview for Phone - Build 10080 - In a word - "Junk"

This week MS released Windows 10 Tech Preview build 10080 for phones - officially 10.0.12562.84.  I updated 1 device - a Lumia 635.  

In a word - it's junk.  I don't see why MS even released this build.  It has as many if not more issues that the 10056 build released a month ago.

I had to go through the same - install the update - then reset my phone to allow the build to applied again for most of the functions to work correctly.   As with 10056 - all of the MSN apps showed up as older Bing versions - then tried to update themselves via the Store - Beta app - but then failed for one reason or another. In fact some stated this app is not valid the phone.

One nice surprise I got this week was I received WP 8.1 Update 2 via Fast Ring after I recovered by Lumia 735 via the Phone Recovery Tool.  In fact I like it so much I will probably not update it to 10080.   I see no reason to.  In fact I am considering using the tool to return the Lumia 635 back to 8.1 and see if I get 8.1 Update 2 as well.

I also changed my corporate phone to a Samsung Galaxy S5 running Android Lollipop.   While folks may argue about the Google influence, etc - the reality is from an end-user standpoint the difference between where MS is now with WP 8.1 or 10 and where Android is - is night and day.  Every app you can ever think of is available and works - the OS is solid, the device is fast and extremely effective.   It shows just how far behind MS is and how tenuous the situation with Windows Phone is.

Windows 10 for Phones right now is an embarrassment to MS.  It shows the horrible fragmentation within MS development teams and the absolute lack of 3rd party support.  

Bottom line is my experience with Windows 10 on both Tablet and Phone has been pretty horrible.   I've run various test builds of several MS operating systems over the years and I stated quite clearly that Windows 10 for desktop is actually in pretty good shape and close to RTM.   

But both the tablet and phone experience has been dismal and it concerns me how it will effect both the release dates and the acceptance by the marketplace. 

Personally I'm seriously thinking and returning my Lumia to WP 8.1 and calling it quits on WP10 for a while.   It's just crap right now...  


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