Windows 10 Build 15014 - A really slow update

On Jan 19, MS released Windows 10 Build 15014 to the Fast Ring.  This build was for both PC and Mobile.

The build included another round of new features around Edge, Cortana, Color Settings and a specialized power settings UI for some machines.  It was a much smaller list of new capabilities versus 15002.  It also contained over 30 PC and 8 Mobile fixes.  

One new feature that MS has finally addressed is book sales through the Store. The books are published in the ePub format.  Like many I agree that it's too little / too late to really change buying habits.  In addition the only "reader" available today is the Edge browser.  Now that may change in future builds, but compared to the experience that many have had for years with products like Amazon Kindle, Edge is not really an optimum experience.

One call out made during the announcement was that there was a known issue with the Windows Update progress bar where it may stay @ 0% for an extended period and to "be patient" and that it will work.  

So that was not my experience.

When I "checked for updates" the 15014 update showed up immediately.  But as indicated, the downloading phase stayed at 0% for nearly an hour on my PC and almost 2 hours on my tablet.  The only device that reacted "normally" was my phone.  

I did the normal checking via Task Manager to see if Windows was actually processing which it was.  Finally after that extended wait, all of a sudden downloading started and the progress bar did indeed work.  The download itself seemed relatively quick - maybe 15 minutes and then preparation phase started which took maybe another 20 minutes, then finally I was able to apply the update.  All in all it took over 2 hours for my PC to update and nearly 3 for my tablet.  The phone did the same update in about an hour or so.

So obviously we are still experiencing pain with the new UUP process.  My hope is that MS will get this figured out in the near future.   Today the process is just painful.  

One interesting take was that MS decided that upon first login it should launch Edge for you to a "reminder" page to use your MS account, install Office and use the Store.  

MS also decided that it should add the Mail app to the taskbar.  They also noted that if you remove it, you won't be able to add it back.

I also noticed after the update that the Maps app was missing.  It took an overnight wait for the Store to update it.  

MS also repeated some of the call outs from 15007.  For example audio issues. And while I didn't have any with Groove or Movies & TV, Netflix did not have sound.  I had also experienced frequent crashing of the NetFlix app under 15007 and while it launched okay in 15014 I didn't run an extended test.

Bottom line is that 15014 is out.  The update process is excruciatingly slow - so be very patient.   None of the new features announced really change your experience that much, so we'll see what next week brings. 


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