Windows 10 Build 16188 - A Focus on Edge

On May 4, MS released Windows 10 Build 16188 to Fast Ring Insiders.  The primary focus of this build was on improvements and new capabilities to the Edge browser.

The first was around PDF handling.  So from Table of Contents viewing, to Form Filling and Annotation, MS has added some really nice PDF capabilities to Edge.

Next, there is a new Windows Defender feature called Application Guard which effectively isolates Edge in a Hyper-V container.  It is limited today to Windows 10 Enterprise and requires Hyper-V to be enabled, but is designed to provide "the maximum level of protection from malware and zero day attacks against Windows".  

Finally there were some changes to the Magnification Settings area and the addition of a Cortana category in settings along with about a half a dozen fixes.

16188 Installed easily across all my test platforms and yes still doing the Cisco AnyConnect and Conexant Audio drivers dance on my laptop.  

Its nice to see the added PDF capabilities for Edge.  PDF has become so ubiquitous now that practically ever form, distribution, etc regarding a document involves a PDF.  I'd like to see that capability be extended outside of Edge and throughout Windows 10 and Office apps.

So still waiting to see what comes out of the Build Conference next week in terms of feature announcements and naming for Redstone 3.


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