Windows 10 - Build 17682 & 17686 - Some return to stability

On May 31 and then June 6 respectively MS released Windows RS5 builds 17682 then 17686 to Fast Ring and Skip Ahead insiders.

These two builds started to return some level of stability to RS5 - which in my experience across my various test platforms was pretty much a mess.

With several of the previous builds - of all my test machines only my basic desktop configuration - a Dell Inspiron 3647 with no touch, pen or hello capabilities was able to consistently download and install updates without some sort of GSOD or other failure.  

Even 17682 had real problems with my laptop - an HP Elitebook 745G3 which runs an AMD Pro12 8800-R7 CPU/GPU combination.   Drivers would not install properly or at all and you often had to spend an hour or more post update - correcting those kinds of basic hardware support items.

From a feature perspective 17682 continue to improve on the Sets feature - if your device actually had it enabled.   Two of my machines do and yes the ability to launch additional apps is now present - but as I've stated in another post - I'm not 100% on the value of Sets right now.  With that stated there definitely appears to be some lag in systems without Sets enabled.   

MS needs to address that issue if they are actually going to include the Sets capability in RS5 for release.  Sets in a feature that can be turned off or on but right now there is a pretty good performance penalty for turning it off.  

MS also implemented "S" mode - so limiting app installation via the Store only in the Apps & features settings area.    

It also added Remote Server Admin Tools (RSAT) support - which for some was a nice addition.   

17686 was actually a pretty small update from a feature perspective - making some improvements to "Locale" settings and language support.

There is a Bug Bash event June 22 - July 1 - so I expect two more updates before then.   But I have the feeling that we've seen most of the new features in RS5.  Sure we may see some more updates to Settings which has been the prolonged attempt to remove some of the legacy capabilities like Control Panel - which b the way you still need to perform certain tasks.

After the BB event - I expect a lull as MS goes through it's new fiscal year transition and so we might not see much in July - but then the pace will pick up in August through September.  Hopefully MS won't stumble like they did with 1803.

The real question to me will be how the reorganization of the Windows teams and demphasis on Windows as a LOB within MS will impact it in the long term.


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