Windows 10 PC & Mobile Build 14376 - The race to release continues

On June 28, MS release Windows 10 PC & Mobile build 14376 to Fast Ring Insiders.

MS have gotten into a pretty consistent rhythm since the beginning of the June Bug bash campaign of releasing 1 to 2 new builds per week as the run up to the Anniversary date release date of August 2nd approaches.

The August 2 date was confirmed this morning by Terri Myerson and the expectation is the PC, Mobile and xBox editions will release on that Tuesday.

One of the key takeaways from today's confirmation of the August 2 release was that the free upgrade from Windows 7 and 8/8.1 period ENDS on July 28 - 11:59P.   So meaning if you think you should wait until the August 2 date to upgrade - you'll going to end up paying for Windows 10 - which you just should not do.  Upgrade NOW for free and then you'll get Anniversary for free as well.

What is interesting is that MS called out that 14376 actually contained some 1800+ fixes over 14372, but only listed around 20 in the announcement.  

One feature I had been using - Messaging Everywhere - has been dropped from the Anniversary release.  I agree with that decision as the service has just not 100% and I could see MS wanting to avoid the potential support issues.  I expect to see it return once the Redstone 2 branch gets rolling.

14376 downloaded and installed with no problems on all my platforms.  Of the 20 or so listed issues I was not experiencing so not much to comment on there. 

However the one issue I was experiencing on phone with clipboard is still not repaired.  I don't quite get why the process of highlighting a word or phrase in one app, then copying it to the clipboard and pasting in Cortana or Edge should be so painful.  What took 5 seconds on my iPhone, I could not do on my Nokia 735.  

MS also called out that there was a new version of the Store app - but across all platforms I had to manually run downloads and updates to get the new version. While it may have eventually updated on its own, the key word is eventually.  It should have been immediate.

For PC I am very confident is the overall readiness of Windows 10 as a day-to-day OS.  As I've stated several times recently if you're considering Windows 10 and waiting for stabilization - it's there.  Do not hesitate upgrade now.

On Mobile, If you like Windows 10 on PC AND your device supports it, then I would join Windows Insider and configure for Fast Ring updates.  It's the only way to consistently make sure your device will stay updated.  While its not perfect Window 10 Mobile is an improvement over 8.1 and as the whole UWP approach moves forward, it will be the only way you'll be able to get the latest apps.  The new Wells Fargo app is an example.  Wells recently dropped 8.1 support and the new app only supports Windows 10.  I expect this trend to continue.  

Bottom line is this.  Windows 10 is on path for an Aug 2 Anniversary release and it looks as though we may get more builds that I was expecting between now and Aug 2 as this faster rhythm  continues.  

If your thinking about Windows 10 - take advantage of the free upgrade NOW - do not wait until Aug 2.  


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